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A good reference library is considered fundamental to enjoying and potentially profiting in the antiques field. With that in mind, the Asheford Institute of Antiques, one of the largest home-study educational entities specializing in antiques and collectibles, has announced an agreement with Small Fortune Review to help assist aspiring collectors in developing their reference libraries.
Small Fortune, the newsletter that previews new reference books for seasoned and novice collectors alike, will now be provided as a complimentary supplement to the antique home-study course offered by the Asheford Institute of Antiques. As a result of this agreement, students enrolling in the Asheford program will receive a free limited-issue courtesy subscription to the exclusive Review - cover priced at $98.00 per year.
This agreement was announced in Boston, Massachusetts, by A.I.A. Director Charlie David Green, and by W.J. Elvin III, editor and publisher of Small Fortune Review.
At the ceremonial signing of the agreement, Mr. Green commented, "that since the inception of the Asheford Institute in 1966, our goal has always been to provide students with the most relevant information possible in regard to antiques and collectibles, and to that end, we are pleased to welcome The Review as the newest member of our educational family."
Small Fortune Review is a new product developed by former Washington-based investigative columnist W.J. Elvin III to locate and analyze new books for collectors. Such books, "are often expensive and difficult to find," Mr. Elvin notes in explaining the newsletter's mission. "Knowing which books are worth purchasing in regard to a seemingly endless new market of antiques, collectibles and memorabilia is now a financial must - today's collectors simply can't afford to go out and buy every book on the market!"
"This partnership with the AIA, is truly exciting,“ commented Mr. Elvin, “the academic efforts that Asheford has put forth over its many years of service, jibes nicely with our own efforts to impart a wealth of new knowledge to today’s antiques and collectibles community."
Mr. Elvin went on to say that, "The opportunity to reach an entire new audience of eager Asheford students will be extremely beneficial not only to the publishers, book sellers and other professionals in our network, but more importantly to the students of the Asheford program, who are just getting stated."
Readers seeking more information about the antique-home-study program offered by the Asheford Institute of Antiques, or information regarding Elvin's Review, should write to: Asheford Institute of Antiques 981 Harbor Blvd. Suite 3, Dept. 275, Destin, FL 32541. You can also reach them at their toll free number at: 877 444-4508.
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